Incontro del 24-25 Luglio 2012


Il 24 luglio, 2012 i partner e i diversi gruppi di lavoro (TWG, Steering Commitee) coinvolti nel progetto IDENTIS WEEE hanno incontrato Id&a , l’azienda vincitrice della gara pubblica per la realizzazione dei contenitori prototipo. In questa occasione, Id&a ha illustrato i modelli dei contenitori prototipoper la raccolta dei RAEE.

On the second day, a meeting of the Steering Committee was dedicated to the definition of the dissemination activities aiming at involving population in the next stage of the project, that is prototype testing. A series of actions has been defined for informing and motivating citizens to take active part in the project. Soon a dedicated section of this site will provide citizens with detailed information for taking active part in the testing phase. A parallel session, administrative meetings were held with each partner to align them with the formal requirements of the EU Commission.

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